premier site selection within gratiot county
hoffman rd., site in alma
0 West Hoffman Road | Alma, Michigan 48801 | Gratiot County
The Hoffman Road site in Alma, Michigan is a municipally-owned 163 acre site. Surrounding land provides the potential for expansion. The land is in Pine River Township, there is a 425 Agreement between the Township and the City so that when development occurs, it will be considered within city limits. The land is zoned industrial and developing it was identified as a primary goal in the citizen-supported Gratiot Countywide Master Plan.
The site is ideal for an industrial use due to its numerous assets. It is an ideal location with the Alma Industrial Park to the north, US Highway-127 to the east, agricultural land to the south, and a former petroleum refinery to the west. The land is within one mile of US Highway-127 and Michigan Highway 46. Mid-Michigan Railroad borders the northwest edge of the site. Municipal water extends to the site boundary, municipal sewer is approximately 500 ft. away, and fiber is within a quarter-mile. The site has been designated by Consumers Energy, the area’s utility provider, as “Energy Ready,” meaning it offers infrastructure to meet up to 100 MW electric demand and 200 psig and up to 500 MCHF natural gas demand. In terms of labor force, the site has a 60-mile radius of over 1 million and its central location is within the 50-mile radius of several community colleges and universities for training purposes. As a result of these assets, targeted industries include: automotive parts manufacturing, agricultural processing, plastic product manufacturing, and logistics/warehousing.
property details
Type of Space: Industrial, Research and Development, Whse/Dist, Vacant Land
Min Size: 26 acres
Max Size: 163 acres
Last Updated: 09.17.2019
site details
Lot Size: 163 acres
Zoning: Industrial
Total Acres: 163 acres
Environmental Assessment: Environmental data available
Divisible: Yes
Additional Information: All parcels can be combined for up to 163 acres, which would eliminate the need for Hoffman Road running through the property.
Gas Service: Yes
Gas Line Size: 8 in.
Gas Provider: Consumers Energy
Electrical Service: Yes
KVA: Up to 100 MW
Electric Provider: Consumers Energy
Water Service: Yes
Water Line Size: 12 in.
Water Provider: City of Alma
Sewer Service: Yes
Sewer Line Size: 8 inches
Sewer Provider: City of Alma
Nearest Airport: MBS International Airport
Distance to Nearest Airport: 37 miles
Airport Name: Gratiot Community Airport
Airport Runway Length: 5,000 ft
Distance to Local Airport: 9 miles
Distance to Nearest Highway: 1 mile
Nearby Hightway 2: 1 mile
Distance to Interstate: 38 miles
Distance to Port: 52 miles
Rail Access: Yes
Rail Line: Mid-Michigan Railroad
Nearby Highway: US Highway 127, Michigan Highway 46
Nearby Interstate: Interstate 75
Alma Hoffman Road GIS Map and Info Sheet PDF
Alma Hoffman Road Aerial 2020 Google Earth PDF
Consumers Energy, Energy Ready, Alma-West Hoffman Road 2019 PDF
Alma Hoffman Road Electric and Gas Map PDF
Alma Hoffman Road Water and Sewer Map PDF
Alma Hoffman Road Fiber Map PDF
Alma Hoffman Dimensions PDF
Alma Hoffman Road Terrian Map PDF
Gratiot County Profile
Alma Hoffman Road Full Data Packet PDF
Rail Service Map PDF
Incentives PDF
About Gratiot County
For Sale: Yes
Current Use: Vacant land
Sale Terms: Price and terms negotiable by city.
site details
Lot Size: 163 acres
Zoning: Industrial
Total Acres: 163 acres
Environmental Assessment: Environmental data available
Divisible: Yes
Additional Information: All parcels can be combined for up to 163 acres, which would eliminate the need for Hoffman Road running through the property.

primary contact information
Greater Gratiot Development, Inc.
Name: Kasey Zehner
Address: 136 S. Main St.
City/State: Ithaca, Michigan
Phone: 989.875.2083
Email: kasey.zehner@gratiot.org
Website: www.gratiot.org

secondary contact information
Greater Gratiot Development, Inc.
Name: Jim Wheeler
Address: 136 S. Main St.
City/State: Ithaca, Michigan
Phone: 989.875.2083
Email: jim.wheeler@gratiot.org
Website: www.gratiot.org
HubZone: Yes